Posts Tagged ‘USA’

Hope everyone had a good, relaxing 4th of July. Mine was all right.

While we’re still in the mood, blogger Ig posted his take on the Bill of Rights late last week. He calls it the Guitar Player’s Bill of Rights.

Right 3: You have the right to enjoy playing guitar.
Let’s face it. Too many guitar players think “difficult” when it comes to playing. That’s why many end up quitting… Turn your playing into something you enjoy. That’s why you chose to play guitar in the first place.

Too true. I think this is actually the case with lots of instruments. Take piano, for example. Many parents sign their kids up for piano lessons, thinking it’ll help them develop a hidden talent, or, at the very least, get them away from a TV for awhile. While that’s all fine and true, more often than not, forcing a kid to take music lessons saps away any appreciation for music he or she might have; after the lessons are done, they’ll spend the rest of their life rarely touching the instrument.

This might be a bigger thought process than I’m willing to blog here. Hmph. Maybe it’ll be food for another post. Anyway, my point is: Just enjoy playing music. You don’t have to be the best to express yourself. You just have to be you.


Ernie Ball, a favorite string-maker of countless musicians, is releasing a new variant in their “Slinky” line of strings. These new guys feature a protective coating on the wrapping wire and the plain strings, plus titanium wire wound around the lock twist of the ball end. They’re designed to resist corrosion, last longer, and play crisper than other strings.

“Finally, a coated set that offers plain strings
the same deserving protection as wound strings!”

Ernie Balls, in case you didn’t know, are made in the United States, ensuring a high standard of material, craftsmanship, and treatment of their workforce.
